Be Basimcha ئاپەکان

Be Basimcha
Be Basimcha
When Did You Last SMILE?I wonder if you have any idea of what a smile from you meanstoanother? You must not know, or you would smile more often, andyouwould give a wider smile. In fact, you would be the first tosmile,to say hello, to say something meaningful to another’s heart.Justso, you would swell your own. Your own heart would startburstingwith joyEven when you are not particularly happy, you can stillgivehappiness. And when you think less about yourself, youcertainlywill be happier and give more happiness to others. Youwill smileon the world. You will have a smile for yourself aswell.A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches thosewhoreceive without making poorer those who give. It takes amoment,but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is sorich ormighty that he cannot get along without it and none is sopoor thathe cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot bebought, begged,borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is ofno value toanyone until it is given away. Some people are too tiredto giveyou a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smileso muchas he who has no more to giveDon’t go for looks, it can deceive. Don’t go for wealth –eventhat fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile becauseonly asmile makes a dark day seem bright.Smile though your heart is achingSmile even though its breakingWhen there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get byIf you smile through your fear and sorrowSmile and maybe tomorrowYou’ll see the sun come shining through for youLight up your face with gladnessHide every trace of sadnessAlthough a tear may be ever so nearThat’s the time you must keep on tryingSmile, whats the use of crying?You’ll find that life is still worthwhileIf you JUST SMILE:)#StayStrong #KeepOnSmilingWhen ever you go thru hard moments we are here for YOU withtheright stuff, to put back your SMILE even bigger that it was!follow us on Twitter: @BeBasimchalike us on Facebook: Be BasimchaFollow us on Instagram: @BeBasimchaSubscribe us on YouTube: BeBasimchaDownload our Androidapp: out our website: http://www.bebasimcha.comFor comments, suggestions, ideas or anything else, you can sendusan email and we will get back to you as soon aspossibleIY"